Traffic Control Plan and Permitting Services

Site-Specific Temporary Traffic Control Plans

Temporary Traffic Control Plans specify what traffic control devices and traffic safety measures are needed to protect construction workers and the traveling public. A properly designed TCP will prioritize public safety and consider construction costs, project budgets and project schedules. The key in designing a safe and practical TCP depends on various work zone factors.

TCP & Permit Services

Traffic Control Plan
Traffic Handling Plan
Construction Staging Plan
Traffic Management Plan
Detour Plan / Road Closure Plan
Pedestrian Mitigation Plan
Pedestrian Control Plan
Temporary Striping Plan
Special Event Plan
Truck-Turn Movements
Traffic Studies
Engineered Plans / Stamped Plans
Traffic Control Consulting
Traffic Control Planning
Encroachment Permitting
Encroachment Permit Application Support
Caltrans Post Mile and Right-Of-Way Support

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No Project Too Big Or Too Small

What type of work is being performed?

Does your project require a short term or long term traffic control setup?

Is your project a stationary work zone or mobile operations?

Traffic Control Plans play an important role in providing a safe and efficient flow of traffic. Construction work that encroaches the public right of way requires an encroachment permit and an approved Traffic Control Plan from the public agency having jurisdiction. Most temporary traffic control work zones can be separated into four critical areas: the advance warning area, the transition area, the activity area, and the termination area. The design of these areas is based on the posted speed limit which will determine the spacing of your advance warning signs, taper lengths, buffer zones, and the need for crash-worthy barrier protection.

A general Traffic Control Plan will identify the placement of traffic control devices in the roadway.

This includes:

Construction area signs
Cones, channelizers, delineators, plastic traffic drums
Type I, Type II, Type III barricades
Water-filled barrier, concrete K-rail
Crash cushions, crashworthy attenuators
Truck-mounted Attenuator (TMA truck)
Temporary ADA curb ramps
Portable Transverse Rumble Strips
Flagger placement
Flashing arrow boards
Portable changeable message signs (PCMS boards)
Temporary pavement tape
Specialty signs, custom signs
Radar Speed Feedback Signs
Automated Flagger Assistance Device (AFAD)

City Rise Safety Traffic Control Plan

City Rise Safety provides both stamped and non-stamped TCP’s. City Rise Safety TCP’s are engineered site-specific in AutoCAD to show all existing conditions, proposed conditions, and drawn to scale. Our plans conform to the latest version of the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), the Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications, and the California Temporary Traffic Control Handbook (CATTCH). City Rise Safety Traffic Control Plans are customized to meet local agency standards and guidelines. Additionally, City Rise Safety also provides customers with traffic control templates (Typical Applications – Chapter 6 of CA MUTCD) for encroachment permits not requiring site-specific TCP.

City Rise Safety Traffic Control Plans are customized to meet local agency standards and guidelines. Additionally, City Rise Safety also provides customers with traffic control templates (Typical Applications – Chapter 6 of CA MUTCD) for encroachment permits not requiring site-specific TCP.

Local expertise is one of the many assets that distinguishes the members of our design team. With over 20 years of combined experience, City Rise traffic designers have successfully worked with hundreds of municipalities in California including San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, and Caltrans.


Sidewalk Closure + Pedestrian Detour or Pedestrian Diversion
Shoulder Closure / Parking Lane Closure
Single Lane Closure / Multilane Closure
Bike Lane Closure (Share the Road!)
Freeway Closure, Ramp closure
Reversible Lane + Flaggers
Road Closure + Detour
Lane Shift

Permitting / Encroachment Services

Encroachment permits are often required for any work on Federal, State, County, or City roads, facilities, property, or easements. Compliance with agency regulations is critical to mobilizing on time and completing the job without interruption.

The City Rise Team is well experienced in compiling street-use and encroachment permit packages, facilitating discussions with government agencies, and helping our clients understand and implement the nuances of permitting guidelines.

Among several local, county, and government entities, our permitting facilitators routinely pull easements for the following agencies:

City of Berkeley
City of Fresno
City of Oakland
City of San Francisco
City of San Jose
Contra Costa County
Fresno County
Sacramento County

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Main Office: 686 E Lockeford St, Lodi, CA 95240

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