
Traffic Control plans.


City Rise employs an experienced team of Traffic Control Engineers who specialize in Traffic Control Plans (TCP) that meet state and local submission guidelines for roadways across the country.

Regardless of the project’s timeframe or complexity, every single TCP will be optimized to maximize job efficiency, placement, safety, and permit approval.

City Rise Traffic Control Plans account for Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) guidelines and meet American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) standards.

When you need it done right, call City Rise.

City Rise also does plans for Engineering and Construction!


A lane closure is required if a stationary operation requires more than 2 feet or reduces the width of a lane to less than 10 feet.

Whether your work is on a Multi lane road, expressway or Freeway, we have the experience and knowledge to identify when a closure is necessary for your project. We can create the traffic control plan and support your permit package from pre-planning to approved.


Any time two-way traffic is required to share the same lane, a flagging operation can be set up.

Whether you need multiple flaggers for complicated residential jobs, or a single flagger to maintain order and safety, we have the manpower and know-how to identify and meet your flagging needs as well as draft the proper traffic plan.

All of our flaggers are ATSSA certified to provide the highest level of safety.

Our Engineered traffic plans examine all factors to determine the number of flaggers required to get your job done.


Shoulder closures are utilized to guide motorists and bicyclists around stationary operations taking place in shoulders and parking lanes.

Our traffic control plan engineers are trained to create the safest shoulder closure traffic plans. Whether it is the use of extra signs or barricades, we go the extra mile to ensure crew safety.

We handle all of the details, from no parking signs to share the road signs for bicyclists.


A road closure traffic plan is required when the equipment or work in the public right of way does not allow for traffic movement.

Whether you are performing a crane set operation or trenching across and multi lane road, we have the skills and experience to create the traffic control plans that will get your project approved.

We provide detailed dimensions and detour plans that ensure municipality approval.

TYpes of Traffic Control plans.


City Rise Safety designs a wide assortment of Traffic Control Plans. The following are different images for the most widely recognized sorts of plans we offer covering most Traffic control circumstances. We hope this page can likewise enable you to decide the Traffic control plan that might be best suited for your particular task.

Flagging Operation

Used when diverting traffic into a single lane is necessary. Flaggers can also maintain driveway and alley way openings and assist pedestrians around work zones.

Lane Shift

Used when there is enough room to shift the land around the work area while encroaching on the oncoming lane. Can require temporary striping and barriers.

Sidewalk Closure

Used when work does not encroach on the public right of way but will impact pedestrian traffic. Pedestrian detour maps are required to ensure pedestrian movement is unaffected.

Road Closure

A complete closure is required when there is not enough room for single lane traffic to maneuver around a work area. Road closure often require a detour plan in conjunction with the closure.

Shoulder Closure

When the lane is wide enough to allow the work zone as well as through traffic, a shoulder closure can be utilized. A shoulder closure is also used when taking up public parking spaces.

Lane Closure

Any closure of a through lane requires a lane closure plan. These plans utilize arrow boards and advance warning signs to notify motorists of a change in road configuration.

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Main Office: 686 E Lockeford St, Lodi, CA 95240

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